Dr Caroline Nabuzale
Email: [email protected]
Dr Caroline Nabuzale is a Ugandan; who attended Kyambogo University where she received her Bachelors of Arts with Education Degree in Literature and English. Joined Cavendish College London and Cavendish University in Uganda, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Media Management. Later on, earned a PhD in Mass Communication from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Kenya. After wards she attained an International Post-Doctoral Research fellowship from American Association of University Women and joined North Carolina State University at the Department of Communication where she did Post-Doctoral Research training in Communication. Later on she received another International Post-Doctoral research fellowship on Climate change Communication from The Islamic Development Bank and The World Academy of Sciences, Italy (ISDB-TWAS) which aided her to complete the publication of a book entitled ‘How Journalists report on Natural Disasters; case of landslides in Uganda’. She recently launched this book at Parliament of Uganda. She is a board member of the East African Communication Association, a member of the International Communication Association and a member of the National Communication Association of the USA. Her areas of research interest are science communications specifically Health, Environment and law.